Achievement Assessments
Recording children’s achievements are an integral part of the learning and developing process. They enable us to provide the next steps for each individual child. Our records are a combination of photographs and written observations taken throughout their time at the nursery and they form the basis of our curriculum planning. The nursery uses Learning Book which is an Ofsted approved digital learning journey. Staff use hand -held tablets to record your child’s development and every parent is given a unique password so that they can access their child’s journal at any time. Each child’s key person is responsible for individual records. These records are an indication of your child’s progress at nursery, and we are aware that your child will achieve much more in their own home setting, so every opportunity is provided for you to contribute at every stage by talking to your allocated key person or through adding your own keepsake comments direct onto your child’s journal.
You may access your child’s records at any time. To discuss your child’s progress with your key person please make an appointment with them or see Mrs Chiverton.
Please be aware that any information, records, or observations (written or verbal) that we hold at the Nursery is done so in the strictest of confidence.